All of our senses, sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste, serve unevenly to perceive advertising, it depends on the type of advertising and the media that conveys it. Logically, a billboard, megaboard or any other type of outdoor media must catch the eye.

Instantly, completely, he has a few seconds to do it, so top graphics in this case is essential. It is characteristic of visual perception that we do not perceive all elements in the same way from the overall image that we have in the visual field. We actively divide the objects that come to the fore, the so-called figures, and everything else becomes the background. What becomes a figure and what becomes a background for someone depends on the observer – the recipient of the advertisement, his attention settings, interests.

For example, a person who is oriented towards architecture and perceives the urban character of the city, streets, landscape, etc., perceives all billboards and megaboards as an unimportant background. Many psychological experiments have been conducted on the topic of figures and backgrounds, for example Rubin’s figure and its variations are known.

Two black faces or a white vase. What do you see in the picture?

It is the power of the creators of outdoor advertising to use everything that helps to highlight the advertisement and it has become a figure. Objects that are oriented vertically or horizontally in space, are symmetrical, form a clearly delineated whole, have an element of something familiar in them and stand out significantly from the surrounding environment, have an active effect on perception and become a figure.

Outdoor advertising should have a contrasting effect in the recipient’s field of vision, it should not blend in and disappear.

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