Advertising is an exciting topic. For its creators, due to its creativity, it is a big question mark for the contractors whether it will be successful. Everyone who works in advertising lives very fast, there is never enough time. For consumers, he is one of the creators of the view of the current world around us. He convinces us of the best fragrance, of a car designed just for us, of a laundry powder that is guaranteed to wash clean…

Its history dates back to the beginning of our era. It has always been related to the offer of services and products. And it was born in the form of outdoor.

Archaeological excavations from Pompeii and Herculaneum confirm that merchants drew attention to themselves with various inscriptions on the walls of houses, along trade routes. There were no obstacles to creativity.

Even then, however, the owners did not rely on “dumb” salesmen. An important function was performed by the so-called summoners. Their “guilds” were even created and we know them from our history as well, newspaper sellers, the loud arrival of potters, wire workers to the village… the beginnings and ends of fairs were also announced by ringing bells.

The modern history of advertising is connected with the invention of the printing press, when the first books and posters began to be created. The first advertising agencies and media began to emerge, and we all know the present.

So let’s not complain about advertising, it has always been, is and will be a part of our lives.

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